Victoire Orth

Victoire Orth is a young French photographer based in Paris. Passionate about photography for several years, it was during a trip to Brussels that she met Gil Rigoulet, and became his assistant. It was a collaboration that developed into a beautiful friendship, and today leads Gil to sponsor his assistant in order to make her work better known.

“Encountered by chance, a glance, words, in a draught in the main square of Brussels, Victoire, as long as an eyepatch, film camera on her hip, fresh-eyed as an 18-year-old, has no interest in the meanderings of a question. She poses to herself, looks into her sensibility and explores this natural light that grazes the skin like an intensity of having to live, her world is her proximity, her gaze is her awareness of building between graphics and emotion. She’s hungry for perfection and moves fast…
Victoire has been assisting me for 8 months, a joy! “

Gil Rigoulet