Margaux Dinam

Margaux Dinam holds a DMA in illustration from École Estienne (Paris) and a master’s degree in Narration Spéculative from ERG (Brussels). She is an illustrator who is developing a practice combining comic strips, drawing and writing in her studio in the Paris suburbs. Her visual universe oscillates between abstraction and figuration, with particular attention paid to line and colour. Convinced of the political importance of the stories we tell, she is determined to create rich, sensitive fictions. Margaux draws her inspiration from the novels she reads, the films she likes to watch again and again, and the scientific imagery she collects.

Wendy Sylvain

A graduate of the Arts Décoratifs de Paris, Wendy Sylvain is a French illustrator who lives and works in Paris. In her illustrations, Wendy Sylvain creates a language all her own, based on an omnipresent narrative in both her written and visual work. She draws her inspiration from her interest in writing, as well as from the Japanese culture she has been interested in since childhood. With humor and seriousness, navigating between a raw reality and a mischievous imagination, she questions questions of identity and relationships in her illustrations.

Monna Graph

Trained as a graphic designer, Monna Graph is a self-taught illustrator. Passionate about typography, she draws her inspiration from the Victorian period, Art Nouveau and the Decorative Arts. With her graphic tablet, she creates an inverted universe where everyday life is adorned with absurdity, humor, exceptionality and strangeness. In a surrealist approach, she constructs a parallel cosmos where fish soar through the air and birds sink beneath the waves, questioning the boundaries between freedom and captivity.

Gabrielle Monceaux

After studying graphic design in Bordeaux, Gabrielle Monceaux became an illustrator and visual artist alongside her work as an art director. Drawing on her many expatriate experiences abroad, in Australia, England and the Netherlands, her inspiration is rooted in nature and the symbolism of certain objects and animals. A militant artist, she anchors her work in intersectional feminist and environmental struggles, in the hope of changing hearts and minds with her sharpest weapon: her pencils. In the spring of 2023, she founded Les Mains Rebelles, a shared workshop in Bordeaux for women creators, artisans and artists.

Victoria Dorche

A graduate of the Condé schools, Victoria Dorche is a French illustrator who now lives on a mushroom farm in the Morvan. She draws her inspiration from myths, medieval illuminations and folk art. Her new surroundings nourish her work, in which she likes to mix the fruits of her garden and the mushrooms from her cellar with the eccentric plants she invents. Using gouache as her preferred technique, her vibrantly colored illustrations offer a joyful, magical vision of reality. She illustrates colorful, sensitive books for Hélium, Sarbacane and Le Grand Palais, and in between publishing projects, she makes symbol-rich decks of cards.

Céline Dumartin

Originally from southwest France, Céline Dumartin is an illustrator and art director who lives and works in Paris. A graduate of ENSAMAA in object design, she has developed a naïve, colorful universe that immediately puts you in a good mood. She loves animals, laughter, memories, children, colors, good food, dogs, sunshine and vacations. All this influences her illustrations, which she applies to prints, frescoes, pretty objects and embroidered clothes.

Ophélie Lhuire

Ophélie Lhuire holds a master’s degree in graphic practice and scientific complexity from Erg, and is an illustrator living in Brussels. She is a member of Atelier Tonpiquant. Fascinated by didactic and naturalistic drawings, she enjoys crossing the themes of art and science, oscillating between botany, the animal kingdom and the human body. Her illustrations explore with precision the structures and inner wonders of living things. Halfway between ancient engravings and modern tattooing, Ophélie mischievously immerses us in an organic world of rare meticulousness and infectious poetry.

Jeanne Saboureault

Jeanne Saboureault is an illustrator based in Lyon, after several years in Brussels, where she was part of the Ton Piquant collective. With a Master’s degree in Visual Communication from the Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, she first worked as a graphic designer, then as a community manager, before launching her own career as an illustrator. With vibrant colors, she illustrates her daily life and that of others, drawing inspiration from her memories and the anecdotes people tell her.

Elisabeth Fernandes

French graphic designer and illustrator Elisabeth Fernandes lives and works in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2021, she created the Bez brand, which combines color, femininity, commitment, quirkiness, impertinence and astonishment. Her illustrative universe is as decorative as it is humorous. Her favorite subjects? Women and food, which she likes to combine in strange, offbeat representations.

Claire Goudeau

Claire Goudeau graduated in Printed Image in 2022 from the Arts Décoratifs de Paris and in Design from ENS Paris-Saclay, a French illustrator and painter. Her dual training introduced her to the pleasures of the printed image, learning printing techniques such as engraving, silkscreening and risography, and introduced her to the world of contemporary publishing. Gradually leaving design to one side, she found in illustration and the creation of printed images an incredible narrative potential, rich in meaning. Inspired by the colors and patterns of her childhood in the Pacific, she illustrates her memories, faithfully transcribing or shaping reality according to her imagination.


Cel Castellá

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cel Castellá has been living in Paris since 2018. After studying communications and working in advertising for several years, she chose to devote herself solely to illustration when she arrived in Europe. Playing with pencils and paint, she has also created a unique Parisian space dedicated to embroidery, her second passion. Although she finds it hard to get used to the cold of the French winter, she has managed to tame everyday Parisian life, which she loves to depict in her illustrations: outings to cafés, strolls through museums and strolls past bakeries and florists.

La Mona Loca

Trained as a journalist, Alice Vandenbroucke aka La Mona Loca became an illustrator following a solo trip to Mexico in 2020, where she discovered the technique of engraving. In the same year, she joined the Ton Piquant collective and workshop in Brussels, where she expanded her knowledge of various artisanal printing techniques, from linocut and aquatint to risography and monotype. Passionate about colors and textures, she likes to illustrate her experiences with softness and poetry.

Manon Diemer

Also known by the pseudonym Bamboulino, Manon Diemer is an artist and illustrator based in La Rochelle. A graduate of the Beaux-Arts de Lyon in graphic design, then of the Gobelins in Paris in motion design, she worked for four years in an agency before devoting herself entirely to illustration. Her drawing practice is rich in a multitude of tools and techniques, seeking to best adapt the subject to the medium. With a particular sense of framing derived from her photographic practice, she captures singular and representative elements of nature or architecture, inspired by the natural sciences, travel and ecological issues. She then articulates traces of reality in an imaginary world that is imbued with mystery and fantasy.

Lucie Delasrocas

Trained as an architect, Lucie Delasrocas has decided to devote herself entirely to her art. Passionate about her art, she continues to create in her adopted Drôme region: illustration, 3D, gouache, silkscreen… all techniques with which she loves to experiment. In her illustrations, with their minimalist graphic style, she uses geometric shapes and bright colors to create infinite possibilities. Her inspiration? She finds it in current events and in what she perceives in everyday life: landscapes, everyday scenes, women…

Sophie Weidler-Bauchez

Illustrator and interior designer Sophie Weidler-Bauchez lives in Annecy, surrounded by mountains. With a Master’s degree in Interior Architecture from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre in Brussels, Sophie Weidler-Bauchez has been developing her own illustration practice around bright, bold color since childhood. Animated by the material of her pastels and colored pencils, she draws what surrounds her: landscapes, everyday moments, architecture.