Jeanne Macaigne

Jeanne Macaigne is a graduate of the Arts Décoratifs de Paris. She currently lives and works in Marseille, drawing her inspiration as much from her artistic practices (theater, dance, clowning) as from her cultural influences – she has lived in Istanbul and Reunion Island.

She regularly draws for the press (Revue XXI, Alternatives Économiques, Le Temps, Libération etc.) and is the author and illustrator of several books: L’hiver d’Isabelle and Les coiffeurs des étoiles (éditions MeMo), Changer d’air (éditions Les Fourmis Rouges), Un Drôle de Lundi (éditions Seuil jeunesse).

Attached to evoking our relationship with others and the world around us, she writes and draws as a poet what surrounds her, as well as her inner world, in hypnotic, colorful images of striking beauty. You won’t be able to resist her madcap style and unbridled imagination!