Natacha Paschal

Fashion victim and illustrator Natacha Paschal finds her inspiration in fashion magazines and advertisements. She reinterprets them with exaggerated expressions, brightly coloured eyeshadow, luscious mouths and carnivorous teeth… Her works are a form of response to the dominant culture and offer us a humorous commentary on today’s society.

Lucile Chanteloup

Lucile is a 26-year-old French illustrator from the Guérande peninsula. Fascinated by the power of images since childhood, she began her artistic career in Berlin in 2019. She now works from her studio in Paris, occasionally slipping away to visit the Atlantic Ocean. Using bright yet soft colours and rounded shapes, Lucile aims to convey a message of optimism, make people smile, brighten up a day and draw attention to the importance of giving to each other and to nature. Her creative techniques range from digital design to acrylic paint and ink drawings. When it comes to printing, she prefers to use traditional, environmentally-friendly techniques (risography, screen printing, linocut).


Marion Livran is a Parisian artist. Initially trained in engraving, she fell in love with linocut, which she has been practicing for the past 5 years. She is very sensitive to the body, to what it gives us to see, touch and feel, to its movements, density and composition… She seeks to capture the fragility of this envelope and the trace that our emotions and our lives leave on it, both on the surface and in its depths.

It is these moments of epiphanies that fascinate her, these waves that pass through us and make us live: “I like to be interested in the invisible, in what sets in motion or what freezes, the body has answers even before we become aware of them (if we know how to listen to it). It’s these moments of epiphanies that fascinate me, these waves that pass through us and make us live.”

Agathe Briot

Originally from south-east France, Agathe Briot is an illustrator and art director who now lives in Rome, the city of her heart. After studying graphic arts in Marseille, she moved to Paris, where she worked as art director in a creative studio specializing in luxury goods for 10 years. Her graphic universe is influenced by the colors, landscapes and sunshine of the Mediterranean. Characterized by a colorful palette and clean lines, her illustrations are inspired by scenes from everyday life, featuring maritime pines, references to antiquity, cafés, vintage signs, wine glasses and stolen kisses.


Louise, aka Lavilleeetlesnuages, describes herself as an “optimistic illustrator”.

After 5 years of study at Penninghen and a diploma in her pocket, she embarked on the adventure of illustration to share her vision of the world, which she wants to be colorful and positive. A recent winner of the Prix Jeunes Talents des Agents Associés, Louise’s creations send out a strong message. An illustrator as well as an author, Lavilletlesnuages likes to work with all image and communication media, as well as all materials, since she has trained in embroidery and ceramics.

In her “City maps”, she embellishes the city map with emblematic monuments, cyclists, sightseeing points and little dogs, inviting you to travel from the comfort of your sofa.

Laure Lepage

Laure Lepage is a photographer/plastician who graduated from the University of Paris 8. Since then, she has developed her skills, specializing in interior design and object photography.

Fascinated by the sensations generated by images, she composes all her photographs with the intention of relaxing, sometimes touching on the strange. When she discovered the cyanotype technique two years ago, she fully integrated it into her photographic practice. The process allows her to revive her artistic techniques, and dialogues perfectly with her compositions.

Laure Lepage photographs by focusing on the smallest details of objects or motifs encountered during walks in nature and apartments: the veins of a petal, the opening of a shell, the calm of the horizon… Her images are imbued with the joy of recomposing spaces and small scenes, inviting the viewer to rest.

Dans les dents

Guillaume Denaud is an illustrator based near Nantes. After several years working in children’s ready-to-wear, he launched his own business under the pseudonym “Dans Les Dents” to develop a more personal universe: colorful, naïve and dreamlike. Strongly inspired by music and pop culture, his work attempts to instill a quirky, optimistic touch in the subjects he deals with.

Agathe Singer

After spending her childhood by the sea, Agathe Singer moved to Paris at the age of 17 to study graphic arts at Duperré and Penninghen. She developed a passion for gouache and found her inspiration in the paintings of Frida Kahlo, Matisse and the Douanier Rousseau. This illustrator, who lives a stone’s throw from the Eiffel Tower, depicts her daily life in scenes featuring cats, Parisian rooftops and plants.

Niels Stoltenborg

Like many children who grew up in the countryside, Niels Stoltenborg was fascinated by plants, an inexhaustible source of fascination and surprise. He remembers telling his grandmother that he wanted to be a gardener.

He didn’t become a gardener. He studied photography, graphic design and drawing. As a freelancer, he worked as a photography and production assistant. In the 90s, he set up a studio in Istanbul for advertising and magazines. Today, he devotes himself entirely to his artistic and photographic creation.

In Végétalisme, Niels Stoltenborg’s childlike fascination with the Earth re-emerges. His work is based on an intuition: the colors and shapes of fruit and vegetables have both abstract potential and something to tell us.



Marion Livran est une artiste parisienne. D’abord formée à la gravure, elle a eu un coup de foudre pour la linogravure qu’elle pratique depuis 5 ans. Elle est très sensible au corps, à ce qu’il donne à voir, à toucher, à sentir, à ses mouvements, à sa densité, à sa composition… Elle cherche à capter la fragilité de cette enveloppe et la trace que nos émotions et nos vies y laissent, en surface comme en profondeur.

Ce sont ces moments d’épiphanies qui la fascinent, ces ondes qui nous traversent et nous font vivre : “J’aime m’intéresser à l’invisible, à ce qui met en mouvement ou à ce qui fige, le corps a des réponses avant même qu’on en prenne conscience (si on sait l’écouter). Ce sont ces moments d’épiphanies qui me fascinent, ces ondes qui nous traversent et nous font vivre“.


Bastien Figuié aka UNIKO, is a young art director trained in design in the south of France, with a passion for minimalist branding, beautiful lettering and clean shapes. After working for various Parisian communications agencies in the luxury and corporate sectors, it was only natural for him to broaden his field of action and take the plunge… to present his illustrations. Minimalist, joyful, sometimes abstract, sometimes typographic, Bastien’s work is characterized by bold, assertive colors and the energy that emanates from them. Bastien Figuié now works as a freelance art director.


Piment Martin

Behind Piment martin is Marion BEGUE, graphic designer and illustrator.

She has big green eyes and an indomitable mane. Her main subjects: objects; plants and that little totem woman who looks just like her. Marion moves from still life to vivid illustrations where she highlights women and their bodies as an ode to femininity. Above all, she loves mundane scenes that we forget to look at, like a vase on a table, and in her illustrations she depicts the little theaters and details of everyday life, their poetic and humorous sides.

Her illustrations are inspired by her many plants, flea markets full of eccentric objects and lucky finds, and the travels she has made.

Lucile Chanteloup

Lucile is a 26-year-old French illustrator from the Guérande peninsula. Fascinated by the power of images since childhood, she began her artistic career in Berlin in 2019. She now works from her studio in Paris, occasionally slipping away to visit the Atlantic Ocean.

Through bright yet soft colors and rounded shapes, Lucile aims to convey a message of optimism, make people smile, brighten up a day and draw attention to the importance of caring for others and nature.

Her creative techniques range from digital design to acrylic painting and ink drawing. When it comes to printing, she prefers artisanal and ecological techniques (risography, silkscreen, linocut).

Lucile Chanteloup

Lucile is a 26-year-old French illustrator from the Guérande peninsula. Fascinated by the power of images since childhood, she began her artistic career in Berlin in 2019. She now works from her studio in Paris, occasionally slipping away to visit the Atlantic Ocean. Using bright yet soft colours and rounded shapes, Lucile aims to convey a message of optimism, make people smile, brighten up a day and draw attention to the importance of giving to each other and to nature. Her creative techniques range from digital design to acrylic paint and ink drawings. When it comes to printing, she prefers to use traditional, environmentally-friendly techniques (risography, screen printing, linocut).

Victoire Orth

Victoire Orth is a young French photographer based in Paris. Passionate about photography for several years, it was during a trip to Brussels that she met Gil Rigoulet, and became his assistant. It was a collaboration that developed into a beautiful friendship, and today leads Gil to sponsor his assistant in order to make her work better known.

“Encountered by chance, a glance, words, in a draught in the main square of Brussels, Victoire, as long as an eyepatch, film camera on her hip, fresh-eyed as an 18-year-old, has no interest in the meanderings of a question. She poses to herself, looks into her sensibility and explores this natural light that grazes the skin like an intensity of having to live, her world is her proximity, her gaze is her awareness of building between graphics and emotion. She’s hungry for perfection and moves fast…
Victoire has been assisting me for 8 months, a joy! “

Gil Rigoulet